WRF: Difference between revisions

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wget https://github.com/wrf-model/WRF/releases/download/v4.5.2/v4.5.2.tar.gz
wget https://github.com/wrf-model/WRF/releases/download/v4.5.2/v4.5.2.tar.gz
tar -xzf v4.5.2.tar.gz
module load WRF/4.4-foss-2022a-dmpar (software needed to compile WRF)
export NETCDF=/cluster/software/netCDF-Fortran/4.6.0-gompi-2022a (setting environment variable that points WRF to the right places)
Execute command: ./configure
Correct answer is choice 34 (dmpar with NGU)
And just use basic (default 1)


Revision as of 09:16, 28 February 2024

This page will feature some help on getting started with WRF at GFI.

Login to Cyclone

Create folder for playing with WRF with initjet

In that folder do: git clone https://git.app.uib.no/Clemens.Spensberger/initjet.git

Go into the initjet folder

Command: module load netCDF-Fortran/4.4.4-foss-2018b OpenBLAS/0.3.1-GCC-7.3.0-2.30

Go into the folder src and type: make main.exe

Using: vi namelist.initJET you can edit the namelist for your WRF simulation

For example: 201 by 101 grid points, 10k by 5k domain, sst_diff = 0, p-pert, P_nx=51, P_ny=51, P_amp=6.d2

module load ncview

ssh uib-username@fram.sigma2.no

wget https://github.com/wrf-model/WRF/releases/download/v4.5.2/v4.5.2.tar.gz

tar -xzf v4.5.2.tar.gz

module load WRF/4.4-foss-2022a-dmpar (software needed to compile WRF)

export NETCDF=/cluster/software/netCDF-Fortran/4.6.0-gompi-2022a (setting environment variable that points WRF to the right places)

Execute command: ./configure

Correct answer is choice 34 (dmpar with NGU)

And just use basic (default 1)