How to use erddapy
instantiate the ERDDAP server
First of all, we need to instantiate the ERDDAP URL constructor for a server.
- server
- an ERDDAP server URL or an acronym for one of the builtin servers.
from erddapy import ERDDAP import pandas as pd e = ERDDAP(server="")
Let’s explore the methods and attributes available in the ERDDAP object
Note: All the methods prefixed with get_ will return a valid ERDDAP URL for the requested response and options.
[method for method in dir(e) if not method.startswith("_")]
['auth', 'constraints', 'dataset_id', 'get_categorize_url', 'get_download_url', 'get_info_url', 'get_search_url', 'get_var_by_attr', 'protocol', 'relative_constraints', 'requests_kwargs', 'response', 'server', 'server_functions', 'to_iris', 'to_ncCF', 'to_pandas', 'to_xarray', 'variables']
- Help on method get_search_url in module erddapy.erddapy:
- get_search_url(response: Union[str, NoneType] = None, search_for: Union[str, NoneType] = None, protocol: Union[str, NoneType] = None, items_per_page: int = 1000, page: int = 1, **kwargs) -> str method of erddapy.erddapy.ERDDAP instance
- The search URL for the `server` endpoint provided.
- Args:
- search_for: "Google-like" search of the datasets' metadata.
- - Type the words you want to search for, with spaces between the words.
- ERDDAP will search for the words separately, not as a phrase.
- - To search for a phrase, put double quotes around the phrase (for example, `"wind speed"`).
- - To exclude datasets with a specific word, use `-excludedWord`.
- - To exclude datasets with a specific phrase, use `-"excluded phrase"`
- - Searches are not case-sensitive.
- - You can search for any part of a word. For example, searching for `spee` will find datasets with `speed` and datasets with `WindSpeed`
- - The last word in a phrase may be a partial word. For example, to find datasets from a specific website (usually the start of the datasetID), include (for example) `"datasetID=erd"` in your search.
- response: default is HTML.
- items_per_page: how many items per page in the return, default is 1000.
- page: which page to display, default is the first page (1).
- kwargs: extra search constraints based on metadata and/or coordinates ke/value.
- metadata: `cdm_data_type`, `institution`, `ioos_category`, `keywords`, `long_name`, `standard_name`, and `variableName`.
- coordinates: `minLon`, `maxLon`, `minLat`, `maxLat`, `minTime`, and `maxTime`.
- Returns:
- url: the search URL.
access to the list of all datasets available through this ERDDAP server
Here we use the get_search_url method
# show all datasets url = e.get_search_url() print(url)
we also specify the response attribute in our ERDDAP instance.
- response
- specifies the type of table data file that you want to download (default html). There are many response available, see the docs for griddap and tabledap respectively.
# show all datasets e.response='csv' url = e.get_search_url(search_for="all") df = pd.read_csv(url) df[['griddap','tabledap','Dataset ID']].head()
griddap | tabledap | Dataset ID | |
0 | NaN | | allDatasets |
1 | NaN | | icos26na20170409SocatEnhanced |
2 | NaN | | icos26na20170421SocatEnhanced |
3 | NaN | | icos26na20170430SocatEnhanced |
4 | NaN | | icos26na20170511SocatEnhanced |
access to the list of datasets by type (grid, tabular,..)
Here we use the get_search_url method, we also specify the response and protocol attributes in our ERDDAP instance
- response
- specifies the type of table data file that you want to download (default html).
- protocol
- choose between tabledap or griddap.
# show datasets by type e.response='csv' e.protocol='tabledap' url = e.get_search_url() df = pd.read_csv(url) df[['griddap','tabledap','Dataset ID']].head()