Meteorology Calendar Spring 2022
The Meteorology Group Lunch Meeting takes usually place on Thursday, starting 12:05. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the default venue for meetings will be online in Zoom, though we will offer hybrid solutions with a hub in the GFI cantina meeting room when possible.
At the start of each meeting we will have an information exchange of 5-10 minutes to have updates on subjects such as recent and upcoming conferences or past weather events.
For the Spring semester 2022 Kjersti Konstali and Mauro Ghirardelli are in charge for organizing the seminar speakers. So please send them an email if you would like to present something.
For presentations please keep contributions between 15 and max. 25 minutes to leave enough time for discussion of the material. We will have maximum one long presentation per meeting and can accommodate an additional couple of shorter ones, which can be project presentations or other group related issues.
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Date | Who | Length | Title | Room |
13.01.22 | Everyone | 20 min | Semester Kick-off | Zoom (online) |
20.01.22 | ... | ... | General group discussion | Zoom (online) |
27.01.22 | Hugo Rubio Hurtado | 15 min | Ship-based lidar measurements for offshore wind characterization | Zoom (online) |
03.02.22 | Marvin Kähnert | 15 min | Another grid box, another story. About the representation of the stable boundary layer in AROME-Arctic. | U105 + Zoom (online) |
10.02.22 | Michael Town | 20 min | Potential mechanisms of post-depositional modification of stable water isotope climate signals in near-surface polar snow | U105 + Zoom (online) |
17.02.22 | Kjersti Konstali | 20 min | Attributing Global Precipitation to weather features | U105 + Zoom (online) |
24.02.22 | Andrew Seidl | 20 min | Working with an iMet: Group knowledge sharing of helpful tips and available routines | U105 + Zoom (online) |
03.03.22 | Tyler Jones | 20 min | High-Risk and High-Reward Flying Drones on the Remote Greenland Ice Sheet: Capturing Hydrologic Variability | U105 + Zoom (online) |
10.03.22 | Thomas Spengler | 20 min | Atmosphere-Ocean Interactions over Key Regions of the Arctic and Their Linkages to Midlatitudes (CHINOR project) | U105 + Zoom (online) |
17.03.22 | Joachim Reuder | ... | Large Offshore Wind Turbines (LOWT): structural design accounting for non-neutral wind conditions | Zoom (online) |
24.03.22 | ... | ... | ... | Zoom (online) |
31.03.22 | ... | ... | ... | Zoom (online) |
07.04.22 | Clemens Spensberger | 20 min | TBA | Zoom (online) |
14.04.22 | - | - | Easter | - |
21.04.22 | Christiane Duscha | ... | ... | Zoom (online) |
28.04.22 | Johannes Lutzmann | ... | ... | Zoom (online) |
05.05.22 | ... | ... | ... | Zoom (online) |
12.05.22 | ... | ... | EGU presentations | U105 + Zoom (online) |
19.05.22 | ... | ... | EGU presentations | U105 + Zoom (online) |
26.05.22 | - | - | EGU | Vienna |
02.06.22 | ... | ... | ... | Zoom (online) |
09.06.22 | ... | ... | ... | Zoom (online)} |