Joining several data files with CDO and IsoFuse
CDO mergetime command
Instruments often process their data on a daily or hourly basis. Longer analyses then require that many individual datafiles are merged together into one longer time series. With daily data files for several years, this quickly becomes a process that is difficult to handle.
It is then often easier to join several daily files into monthly or yearly data files. The command line tool CDO with command "mergetime" can help with that.
module load CDO cdo mergetime <> <>
The mergetime command will create one new output file with a common time axis. Therefore, all inputfiles must have a common time axis, and the same variables, essentially they must have the same netcdf file format.
Here is an example for how to create a monthly file from the daily TPS-3100 (Hotplate) data files:
cd /Data/gfi/scratch/metdata/hotplate/netcdf/2019/01 cdo mergetime TPS_201901* ../