HOBO rain gauges
The HOBO precipitation gauges work on the tipping bucket principle. GFI has 6-8 HOBO rain gauges available for fieldwork.
The data files need to be converted to units of mm precipitation per time interval in a reading routine.
Matlab routines
read HOBO data
% read_hobo.m %-------------------------------- % Description % read a data file from the HOBO logger % and convert to units of mm %-------------------------------- % HS, Wed Mar 20 17:00:23 CET 2019 %-------------------------------- % use function like this: %fpath='/Data/gfi/scratch/metdata/HOBO/GEOF232_2019/'; %fname=[fpath,'HOBO Rain Gauge snr 20542.txt']; %hobo=read_hobo(fname,fpath); function hobo=read_hobo(fname,fpath); fid=fopen(fname,'r'); data=textscan(fid,'%s%s%*d','Headerlines',3,'Delimiter',{' ','\t'}); fclose(fid); hobo.tim=[]; hobo.RR=[]; hobo.RRSUM=[]; for i=1:length(data{1}), dat=[data{1}{i},' ',data{2}{i}]; strrep(dat,',','.'); hobo.tim(i)=datenum(dat,'mm/dd/yy HH:MM:SS'); hobo.RR(i)=0.2; if i==1, hobo.RRSUM(i)=RR(i); else hobo.RRSUM(i)=RRSUM(i-1)+RR(i); end end end % fin