IsoMet Tools
Flextract reference
Alexander Läderach, Harald Sodemann
Extract trajectories from FLEXPART particle binary format and convert them to LAGRANTO-format.
5 mio. global FLEXPART-trajectories covering 1979-01-02 00:00 to 2019-08-30 15:00 UTC.
Stored at Data/gfi/met/flexpart/erainterim/global/global_corr/
Create a settings-file with the following structure:
# --------------------------------------------------------- # # Settings to extract FLEXPART trajectories from database # # NOTE: All lines beginning with # and empty ones ignored # # --------------------------------------------------------- # # Path to the FLEXPART trajectory files (Input) /Data/gfi/met/flexpart/erainterim/global/global_corr/ # Path to store trajectories in LAGRANTO-format (Output) /Data/gfi/work/<USERNAME>/ # Begin time (Year Month Day Hour Min Sec) # NOTE First date for which trajectories are calculated 2000 1 1 0 0 0 # End time (Year Month Day Hour Min Sec) # NOTE Last date for which trajectories are calculated 2000 1 2 0 0 0 # Timestep (hours) # NOTE always positive 6 # Trajectory length (hours) # NOTE positive for forward trajectories, negative for backward 24 # Only consider each nth-particle only (1=each of the 5mio. particles) # NOTE: could lead to huge output if too small 10 # Target area (minlon maxlon minlat maxlat) 5 17 43 49
./flextract <settings-file>
The minimal timestep for the trajectories to be extracted is 3 hours. The timesteps 00 06 12 18 are given by the ERA-interim reanalysis and the 03 09 15 21 timesteps are given by the forecasts of the model used to produce ERA-interim.