Kristine Bonnevie shiplog data
The ship log data on Kristine Bonnevie contain meteorological and hydrographic information from the boat's sensor packages.
Matlab routines
Read ship's logger data
% Read CSV Ship Logger Data clear % Define the Location where Data is stored % Insert path to Data Locaction e.g. data_loc = '/Data/gfi/metdata/campaigns/GEOF-232_2019/Ship_log'; % Go to that Location cd(data_loc); % Search for files ending in .csv files = dir('GEO*.csv'); % Read the csv in table format x=readtable(files(1).name); % Get the Variable names VarNames = x.Properties.VariableNames; % Get the timestamp TimeIdx = find(strcmp(VarNames, 'Timestamp')); ship_data.Time = table2array(x(:,TimeIdx)); % Define the Variables of interest and find the column number. For example: vars = [{'Longitude'} {'Latitude'} {'Depth'} {'AirTemp'} {'Humidity'} {'AirPressure'} {'Wind'} {'WindDir'} {'Clouds'} {'WaterTemp'}]; % Have a look at VarNames for more Variables of interest VarIdx = zeros(length(vars)); for i=1:length(vars) VarIdx(i) = find(strcmp(VarNames, vars(i))); end ship_data.LON = table2array(x(:,VarIdx(1))); % Longitude [deg E] ship_data.LAT = table2array(x(:,VarIdx(2))); % Latitude [deg N] ship_data.D = table2array(x(:,VarIdx(3))); % Depth [m] ship_data.TA = table2array(x(:,VarIdx(4))); % AirTemp [deg C] ship_data.RH = table2array(x(:,VarIdx(5))); % Rel Humidity [%] ship_data.P = table2array(x(:,VarIdx(6))); % AirPressure [hPa] ship_data.WS = table2array(x(:,VarIdx(7))); % WindSpeed [m/s] ship_data.WD = table2array(x(:,VarIdx(8))); % WindDir [deg] ship_data.CC = table2array(x(:,VarIdx(9))); % CloudCover [n/8] ship_data.TW = table2array(x(:,VarIdx(10))); % WaterTemp [deg C] % Plot some of the meteorological data. For example: figure(1) subplot(5,1,1), plot(ship_data.Time,ship_data.TA) hold all plot(ship_data.Time,ship_data.TW) legend('AirT','WaterT') subplot(5,1,2), plot(ship_data.Time,ship_data.RH) subplot(5,1,3), plot(ship_data.Time,ship_data.P) subplot(5,1,4), plot(ship_data.Time,ship_data.WS) subplot(5,1,5), plot(ship_data.Time,ship_data.WD)