Meteorology Calendar Autumn 2024

From gfi

The Meteorology Group Lunch Meeting takes place on Thursday at 12:05 in U105 in the GFI cantina, where you can also join online in Zoom.

At the start of each meeting, we will have an information exchange of 5-10 minutes to have updates on subjects such as recent and upcoming conferences or past weather events.

For the Autumn semester 2024 Stephan Kral and Qidi Yu are in charge of organizing the seminar speakers. So please send them an email if you would like to present something.

For presentations please keep contributions between 15 and max. 25 minutes to leave enough time to discuss the material. We will have maximum one long presentation per meeting and can accommodate an additional couple of shorter ones, which can be project presentations or other group-related issues.

It is also possible to join on Zoom via

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Date Who Length Title Room
22-08-24 Fernando Sanches Lopes 25 min Modelling lifetime and damage evolution of LEP coating configurations subject to rain erosion based on climatology of hydrometeor size distributions

+ Semester Kick-Off

29-08-24 Mauro Ghirardelli 45 min PhD trial lecture U105
05-09-24 Eigo Tochimoto 25 min A composite study of extratropical cyclones accompanied by split fronts in the Northwestern Pacific U105
12-09-24 Sanaz Zarif 25 min PhD project description U105
19-09-24 ... U105
26-09-24 Mari Steinslid 25 min Mid-way presentation U105
03-10-24 Fumiaki Ogawa 30 min Moist dynamics in mid-latitude storm tracks near ocean fronts: recent results and future research U105
10-10-24 Autumn Vacation
17-10-24 Andrea Marcheggiani ... TBD U105
24-10-24 ... U105
31-10-24 ... U105
07-11-24 Josh Dorrington 25 min Forecasts and projections of extreme rainfall using dynamical precursors U105
14-11-24 ... U105
21-11-24 ... U105
28-11-24 ... U105
05-12-24 ... U105
12-12-24 ... U105
19-12-24 ... U105